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Interview 27

In terms of the youth causing trouble in the neighborhood is a little out of proportion. The time of the season has to be taken into account, when it’s summer there is more nuisance while in the winter it’s quietly. When the youth are hanging out together every day, the residence gets suspicious even when the youth aren’t doing anything wrong. 
The youth are well connected to the neighborhood, every once in a while they try and organize an event by themselves with the support of bureau CEMENT. The connection is also mutually by using a WhatsApp group to keep each other posted. In case of some kind of nuisance at the community center caused by the youth, the citizens have the ability to contact the member of bureau CEMENT and action will be taken.
The experience shows that gaining the trust of the youth, they become more open in their personal problems and talk about it with the social workers. 

Copyright: UUA, TU/Eindhoven, 2017

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