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We analysed the answers of the interviews by rating the keywords that were mentioned the most. From the interviews, observations and literature studies we did, four themes came up very clearly. These themes play an important role in the perception of both neighborhoods. In what way they play a role will be explained more carefully per theme.


The theme connectivity is about the interactive network of the neighbourhood, as well as whether people are attached to their neighbourhood. About two third of the interviewed feel connected to their neighbourhood. People are connected through the local community centres or feel connected through a good social environment. Good neighbours or regular meetings for activities in the community centres contribute to the feeling of being connected. Information about activities is spread through a local newspaper, posters or flyers. Some of the information is spread digitally, by means of a website, Facebook or WhatsApp.


The theme community is about the contribution and function of the community houses in the neighborhoods. The community houses facilitate groups who need a place to organize activities, as they have rooms available and a bar. Their role in the neighborhood is important as their activities bring people together. People are pleased that they provide such a wide range of possibilities and that they can meet other neighbors through activities. In Woenselse Heide the Heidehonk is located, who facilitates activities for all ages. In Tempel ‘t Trefpunt and Vivaldi are located. ‘t Trefpunt is as Heidehonk for all ages, Vivaldi focusses on the elderly of the neighborhood. They are the living hubs of the neighborhoods and bring liveliness. Furthermore, the community centres play a role in yearly activities like a neighborhood market or a culture day. These activities are open for anyone of any age.


The theme safety is about the current issues among safety the neighborhoods face, and the prevention methods. From the interviews it can be said that in general people feel quite safe in the neighborhood, however it is strongly sensed that people are very alert on ‘strange’ things. A few years ago, both neighborhoods have faced troubles with youth gangs. In collaboration with the police, the neighborhood prevention team and the community centers they set up a program to improve safety. Nowadays several facilities help to keep the neighborhoods safe, namely a neighborhood alarm, a safety WhatsApp group and the neighborhood prevention team. This has contributed to the feeling of safety in the neighborhoods. Nevertheless, both neighborhoods still face frequent vandalism and small burglaries.


The theme segregation is about the social and racial segregation that is experienced in both neighborhoods. Although it is not specifically found in the answers of the interviews, it was strongly sensed while doing the interviews. Especially the people who have lived in the neighborhoods for over 30 years have seen the neighborhood change into a multicultural environment. Simultaneously problems in the neighborhoods started. This, for many, is a clear sign that ‘foreigners’ or ‘new Dutchies’ are troublemakers and a cause of nuisance. A social segregation is sensed from elderly towards youth. In their eyes, the new generations are ignorant and only focused on social media. However among the youth themselves similar feelings were sensed. A group who used to hang out in the park feels annoyed by the refugees who since a year are ‘taking over’ the park. Furthermore they admit they sometimes do see the fun of bullying the elderly.

Copyright: UUA, TU/Eindhoven, 2017

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