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Interview 31

The problems caused by the youth are acknowledged by the two youngsters, the 17-year-old boy saw his neighbors across the street being the victim of a burglary. Although there are problems, the youngsters don’t feel unsafe in their neighborhood. The persons among the youth causing trouble in the neighborhood has built a reputation and hang out in their own groups. 
The youngsters also acknowledge that there are some youth who actually intimidate the elderly to impress others or just to be cool. Also with the refugees close to the neighborhood there are more incidents at the park in comparison to a few years ago when it was much quieter.
The youngsters are in contact with the social workers Maik and Jalila of bureau CEMENT. They can contact them any time. When they want to organize an activity Maik and Jalila will give them a push in the right way. The rest of the initiative has to be taken by the youth themselves. 

Copyright: UUA, TU/Eindhoven, 2017

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