In the middle of neighbourhood Tempel you can find the meeting centre Vivaldi. This centre hosts a centre with all kind of activities for people older than 55. On a daily basis, residents walk in to meet each other and to participate in the activities. Everything is organized by volunteers and is financed without any funds from the municipality. Besides the weekly schedule of activities there are also bigger events which are organized yearly. For example a barbeque, music performances and the spring- and fall matinee. The target of this community is to connect as many 55+ residents to each other as possible.
Every year Vivaldi organizes a spring matinee. There are a lot of people coming to have a good day together with music and dancing. At the end of the day everybody joins the Chinese buffet. It is every year a great success!
On May the 29th an event called Früschoppen was organised by Vivaldi. At 11 o'clock in the morning De Doornakker Muzikanten started playing music and there was food and drinks in the style of this event. This event is one example of the music performances that are played more often at Vivaldi.
From Monday till Friday seniors are welcome to have dinner together. It is a nice way to enjoy your meal together when you can't or don't want to cook by yourself. You can sign up each Monday and Vivaldi will do the rest.
Every Tuesday there comes a group of elderly women to Vivaldi to play the game that everyone knows since their childhood but nevertheless always stays fun, Rummikub. This activity is only available for women.
One of the arts that is not as popular for younger women as it used to be, is the needlework that is still made on Mondays at Vivaldi. A group of women weekly comes to together to do what they are good at while drinking a cup of thee and socialising.
At the meeting centre quadrillion is played very often. There are even three clubs hosted here. Two of these clubs even play twice a week. It is an activity that is mainly joined by men.
Like you can see in the picture the creative seniors come together and spend a few hours working on beautiful drawings.
At Vivaldi, Monday night is a dance night. All evening there are people line dancing. They call themselves the Funny country dancers.
Maybe a less known game that can also be played at Vivaldi is bowls. It is a sport that comes originally from England. It looks a little bit like Jeu de Boules, but there is an extra difficulty because the bowls are not perfectly round. This game is only played by women.
Every Wednesday the Vivaldi Ladies come together to play Jeu de Boules. When the weather is bad, they still meet and play other indoor games. As the name can tell you this club is for ladies only.
Besides a drawing club there is also a painting club. These seniors meet at Thursday morning to let their creativity flow through their paintbrushes.
Since January there is a new activity. It's an old Dutch game called shovelboard. When there is no bingo on Wednesdays, seniors can play shovelboard.
The senior gym lessons, given by an exercise expert, are a great success. The class is full booked. For seniors it is very important to keep moving so they stay fit. Besides that it can also be fun.
The Darts club is also quite new. Since February a mixed group is playing darts together.
The Bridge Association De Tempel is hosted at Vivaldi. They have their own board and committees. They play every Tuesday night and post their results of the competition on the website of Vivaldi.